Zone Controller

Automated Logic’s ZN551 provides unprecedented power and flexibility through fully programmable networked controllers. The ZN551 controllers connect to the building automation system (BAS) network using BACnet-over-ARCNET 156 kbps or MS/TP. The ZN551 supports a line of RS room sensors using its Rnet port.


  • BACnet Advanced Application Controllers (B-AAC) that support native BACnet communications to field devices overhigh-speed ARCNET 156 Kbps or BACnet MS/TP networks
  • Custom-programmable using EIKON® software for the WebCTRL® system, enabling you to create graphic logic sequences for your application.
  • Flexible communication port configurations are available for communications to field controllers and routing to other BACnet and non-BACnet devices
  • Supports OptiPoint™ equipment interfaces
  • Supports communicating sensors
  • BACnet Testing Lab (BTL) Product Listing
  • BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
  • Plenum rated
